Chronology of Picasso's Life
25 October. Pablo Ruiz Picasso born in Málaga. He is the eldest child of Doña Maria Picasso ý Lopez and Don José Ruiz Blasco. Picasso’s father teaches drawing at the School of Fine Arts and Crafts.
15 December. Picasso’s sister Lola is born.
Unknown date: Pablo Picasso’s sister Conchita is born.
“The Port of Malaga,” Picasso first landscape painting.
Pablo’s youngest sister Conchita dies.
Pablo continues to be instructed in art by his father.
Don José gets a job teaching in a high school at La Coruña, Spain.
Pablo Picasso enrolled at the School of Fine Arts at La Coruña.
Pablo Picasso takes Life Drawing class.
Pablo Picasso starts drawing and writing in a journal.
April. Don José starts teaching at the Barcelona School of Fine Arts but he leaves his family in La Coruña.
July. The whole Picasso family takes a vacation in Malaga. En route, they stop in Madrid. Pablo Picasso visits the Prado and makes sketches.
Autumn. The Picasso family moves a neighborhood near the Barcelona School of Fine Arts.
Pablo is admitted to study there and is considered an advanced student who can skip fundamental course work.
Winter. The family moves to 3, calle de la Merced in Barcelona. Don Jose arranges for Pablo to have a studio close by.
April. Pablo Picasso’s “The First Communion” is exhibited in Barcelona.
Later spring. Pablo meets Manuel Pallarés i Grau (born in 1876) a painter, who becomes his “guide to Barcelona.”
July to August. The Picasso family takes a vacation in Malaga.
January to February. Pablo Picasso paints “Science and Charity.”
June. He submits “Science and Charity” to the national fine art competition in Madrid. It is awarded an honorable mention.
July and August. The Picasso family vacations in Malaga.
September. Pablo Picasso makes his first solo trip to Madrid.
October. Pablo Picasso decides to apply to the Royal Academy of San Fernando and does his mandatory drawings for admission in one day. He is admitted.
November. Pablo Picasso tells a friend that instruction at the Academy is poor. He thinks art instruction is better in Germany.
December. Pablo Picasso drops out of the Academy.
February to March. Pablo Picasso has scarlet fever and returns to his family in Barcelona.
Spring. Pablo Picasso goes to Horta d’Ebre, Spain to visit Manuel Pallarés i Grau, an artist and Barcelona friend of Pablo’s. They hike around the area and Picasso makes many sketches of the region.
February. Pablo Picasso comes back to Barcelona and rents a studio with a friend at no. 2, calle de Escudillers Blancs.
Picasso and his friends hang out almost every night at Els Quatre Gats. He meets many Catalan painters there. Picasso designs the menu for El Quartre Gats. They introduce Pablo to the work of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and others.
June. Picasso makes his first etchings.
“Brush and Pen” is established by Ramon Casas and Miquel Utrillo, friends of Pablo Picasso.
The first of four children that Picasso and Saskia have together is born. However, three die as infants, and only one, son Titus born in September 1641, survives until adulthood.
Winter. Pablo Picasso and Carlos Casagemas rent a studio together at no. 17 Riera de San Juan, Barcelona.
1 February. Picasso (and many of his friends) exhibit at El Quatre Gats.
24 February. Artists chosen to exhibit at the Paris Universal Exhibition. One of those chosen is Pablo Ruiz, who is to show several paintings. The list is published in the Barcelona “La Vanguardia.”
1 May. The Paris Universal Exhibition opens.
12 July. A drawing by Pablo Picasso is published in “Joventut.”
September. Another drawing by Pablo Picasso published in “Cataluyna Rtistica.”
October. Pablo Picasso, accompanied by Casagemas take the train to Paris. They stay at the studio of a Barcelona friend, which is at 48 rue Gabrielle, Montparnasse.
In addition to meeting other Spanish artists, and French artists, Pablo Picasso meets two art dealers: Pedro Mañach and Berthe Weill. Both are impressed with his work, which they buy.
Casagemas falls in love with a model, Germaine.
At around this time, Picasso paints “Le Moulin de la Galette,” his first painting of Paris.
20 December. Pablo Picasso and Casagemas leave Paris. They first go to Barcelona. After that they leave for Malaga.
Casagemas misses Germaine and returns to Paris.
Pablo Picasso goes to Madrid.
17 February. Casagemas is rejected by Germaine and kills himself in Paris.
28 February. A sketch by Picasso accompanies Casagemas’s obituary in
“Catalunya Artistics.”
31 March. Picasso becomes both art editor and one of the illustrators for “Arte Joven.”
April. Pablo Picasso leaves Madrid for Barcelona en route to Paris. This time he travels with Jaime Andreu Bosnons. They live at 1309 ter, boulevard de Clichy. Picasso makes sketches and paintings of Paris at night.
June. Sala Parés, Barcelona, gallerist Miguel Utrillo exhibits Pablo Picasso pastels.
At about this time, Pablo Picasso stops using the last name Ruiz and only uses the surname Picasso.
24 June. Galelries Vollard, rule Lafitte Paris shows work by Pablo Picasso and the artist Iturrino. Fifteen paintings sold before the exhibit officially opened.
Sometime in late June. Picasso introduced by Petrus Mañach (o Max Jacob (1876-1944), poet and painter).
August. Pablo Picasso completes “The Blue Room” and a series of portraits of his friends.
November and December. Pablo Picasso completes portraits of Sabarté, F. de Soto as well as a self-portrait.
January. Picasso is in Paris and gets money from his family to travel to Barcelona.
He rents a studio in Barclona at no. 6 calle Nueva. He starts hanging out again at el Quatre Gats and meets artist Julio Gonzalez.
Picasso paints “Two Women at a Bar,” and “Woman with a Scarf.”
1 – 15 April. Paris, Galerie Berthe Weill shows Picasso’s “The Blue Room” and several other Picasso oils.
October. Picasso goes back to Paris accompanied by Sabastian Junyer-Vidal.
15 November. Picasso and Ramon Pichot (from Barcelona) get another exhibit at Galerie Berthe Weill, with the help of Petrus Mañach. Favorable review of Picasso’s works in the exhibit in “Mercure de France.”
January. Picasso goes back to Barcelona and is at the studio on calle Riera de San Juan. Over the next year, he completes about fifty works of art.
April-May. Picasso sketches a work preliminarily entitled “La Vie.”
May-June. Completes “La Vie.”
Creates portrait of the one-eyed “Celestina.”
September. Picasso creates a series of paintings similar to those of el Greco: “The Blindman’s Meal,” and “The Old Guitarist” among them.
Completes brothel-themed drawings.
January. Pablo Picasso rents a studio in Barcelona at calle del Commercio This is his last address in Barcelona.
April-May. Picasso returns to Paris accompanied by artist Sabastian Junyent.
Rents a studio at 13, rue Ravignan, which is known as “Bateau-Lavoir.” It is close to Montmartre’s Cirque Médrano, frequented by Picasso and other artists.
March-April. Picasso’s final “Blue Period” works.
July-August. Picasso has a girlfriend named Madeleine. Her name is all that’s known about her. She may have served as the model for Picasso’s “Woman with Helmet of Hair” and “Woman Ironing.”
September. Pablo Picasso meets Fernande Olivier. They will have a relationship until about 1911.
Picasso meets poets Guillaume Apollinaire and Andé Salmon at this time.
24 October. Picasso’s last exhibit at Galerie Berthe Weill, with about twelve works of art.
25 February – 6 March, Picasso exhibition at Galeries Serrurier. Included are eight versions of Picasso’s Saltimbanques. Favorable reviews for the exhibit by Apollinarie in “la Revue immoraliste” and “La Plume.”
Picasso creates sculpture including “The Jester.”
Summer. Picasso travels to the Netherlands. “The Dutch Girl” is painted during this visit.
He visits Alkmar, Hoorn, and Schoorl in the Netherlands.
September. Picasso introduced to American collectors Leo and Gertrude Stein. Picasso paints their portraits as well as portrait of their nephew Allan.
18 October. Picasso exhibits at the Salon d’Automne in Paris.
Late October. Picasso attends exhibit of Iberian sculpture at the Louvre, Paris.
Ambroise Vollard buys many of Picasso’s Rose Period oil-on-canvases.
April. Salon des Independants, Paris. Picasso does not exhibit but does attend. At around this time, he is introduced by the Steins to Henri Matisse.
Meets artist Chaim Soutine (1893-1943).
May. Picasso paints “Woman Combing Her Hair.”
Returns to Barcelona with Fernande Olivier. She is introduced to the Picasso family.
From Barcelona, the pair travel to Gosol in the Pyrenees.
Late summer. There are cases of typhoid near Gosol, so Picasso and Fernande Olivier leave.
September. Picasso finishes his portrait of Gertrude Stein.
22 October. Death of Paul Cézanne (born in 1839)
Winter. Starting frequenting Lapin Agile, a café.
Picasso starts hanging out a new café: la Closerie des Lilas, which is in Montparnasse.
Pablo Picasso starts painting “les Demoiselles d’Avignon.”
March. Picasso purchases two Iberian sculptures, which had been stolen from the Louvre by Apollinaire’s secretary.
About 15 May. Picasso produces “Head and Shoulders of a Sailor,” “Bust of A Woman,” “Woman in Yellow.”
Early Spring. Picasso goes to the Palais du Trocadéro, and sees African sculpture, which he had never before seen.
July. Picasso creates the final state of “Demoiselles d’Avignon” in his Bateau-Lavoir studio. Also paints “The Reapers.”
Picasso meets the art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (1884-1979), who visits Picasso’s studio and inspects “Demoiselles d’Avignon.”
Late Summer. Picasso continues to paint “African” themes.
Autumn. Apollinaire brings Georges Braque (1882-1963) to Picasso’s studio.
January-February. Pablo Picasso paints “Friendship.”
April. Picasso continues to explore the theme of African art.
July. Picasso’s finds the body of his friend the artist Karl-Heinz Wiegels who committed suicide at Bateau-Lavoir.
Picasso had planned to travel to Spain but delays the trip.
He continues to work at Bateau-Lavoir.
August. Picasso and Fernande Olivier take refuge in a Paris suburb, La Rue des Bois. He continues to paint while there.
September. Picasso paints “The Dryad.”
9 November. The term “Cubism” coined by Louis Vauxcelles in a review of a Braque exhibit.
Late November: Fernande Olivier and Picasso throw a banquet for the Douanier Rosseau. Apollinaire, Salmon, Braque and Gertrude Stein are among the attendees.
May. Picasso and Fernande Olivier go to Spain. They visit his family in Barcelona. He paints a portrait of Pallarés.
Later in the Summer, they go back to Horta in the Pyrenees.
End of September. Picasso takes a new studio, 11, boulevard de Clichy.
Fernande Olivier and Picasso now have a cook and maid.
They begin to have Sunday salons at their new home.
They continue to attend Gertrude Stein’s salons on Saturdays.
Together, they visit Henri Matisse once a week.
Winter. Picasso paints multiple views of Sacré Coeur.
January. The model Fanny Tellier resigns, and Picasso stops work on “Girl with Mandolin.”
April. Picasso paints a portrait of art dealers Wilhelm Uhde and Ambroise Vollard.
Spring. Picassos exhibited at a group show in Budapest.
May. Galerie Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Paris shows two paintings by Picasso.
26 June (unitl 26 August) Fernande Olivier and Picasso rent a house at Cadaqués, Catalonia.
While there, he does etchings for a play by Max Jacob.
16 July – 9 October. Picasso and Braque exhibited at the “Ausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Künstfreuende and Künstler,” in Düsseldorf, Germany.
1 September to 15 September. Picasso and Braque exhibited at Galerie Thannhauser, Munich.
September. Picasso and Fernande Olivier return to Paris.
Paints a portrait of art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler.
8 November to 15 January 1911. Grafton Galleries, London, shows seven works by Pablo Picasso.
22 December. Review of Picasso exhibit at Vollard gallery published in “Paris-Journal.”
January to February. Galerie Paul Cassirer, Berlin, several works by Picasso in a group show.
1 May. Picasso and Braque exhibited at the “Berliner Sezession.”
June. Picasso travels to Céret, in the Pyrenees. He takes a studio with Manolo, where he paints “Still Life with Bottle of Marc,” The Accompanist,” and other works.
23 August. Picasso finds out that Leonardo’s “Mona Lisa” was stolen from the Louvre. He offers a ransom. Someone instead turns in a Phoenician head taken from the Louvre earlier. This was the same person who sold two Iberian heads to Picasso.
Late August. Picasso returns to Paris.
6 September. Picasso and Apollinaire return the stolen Iberian heads to the Louvre.
Apollinaire is arrested for harboring a criminal. He is connected by the police with the theft of the “Mona Lisa” but is later cleared.
6 October to 5 November. Picasso and Braque exhibited at the Stedlijk Museum’s “Moderne Kunst Kring.”
November. Picasso accuses Fernande Olivier of having an affair. He meets Eva Gouel (real name: Marcelle Humbert) at the Stein’s soiree and starts a relationship with her.
January. Paints “Ma Jolie (Woman with Zither)” dedicated to Eva.
Picasso has four paintings in Moscow’s “Jack of Diamonds” show.
February. Picasso and Braque shown at the “Blaue Reiter” exhibit, Galerie Goltz, Munich.
Picasso has several works shown at Dalmau Gallery, Barcelona.
April. Picasso and Braque travel to Le Havre. Paints “Memory of Le Havre” when back in Paris.
May. Picasso constructs a sheet metal relief, “Guitar.”
Picasso and Eva relocate to Céet for the spring.
August. Picasso and Eva learn that Fernande Olivier is coming to Céret. They quickly move to Avignon, and then to Sargues, visiting with Georges Braque and his wife.
September. Picasso moves out of 2, boulevard de Clichy to 242, Boulevard Raspail. Eva joins him there.
Picasso signs a three-year, exclusive contract with art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (1901-1979).
January to February. Picasso drawings shown at “die neue Kunst,” exhibit at Vienna’s Galerie Miethke.
February. Picasso retrospective at Munich’s Galerie Thannhauser.
17 February to 15 March. The Armory Show in New York. Picasso has eight paintings on exhibit.
3 March to 2 April. One Picasso gouache at the “Jack of Diamonds” show in Moscow.
March. Picasso, Eva and Max Jacob go to Céret.
3 May. Don José, Pablo Picasso’s father dies. Picasso goes to Barcelona alone for the funeral. He is back at Céret by 14 May.
May to June. Prague International Exhibit, thirteen Picasso pieces shown.
June. Eva write to Gertrude Stein that Picasso had a “mild case “of typhoid delaying their return to Paris.
19 August. Picasso and Eva move to 5, rue bis Schoecher.
Late August. Eva and Picasso return to Céret, where Juan Gris and his wife are visiting.
Late Summer. Galerie Goltz, Munich shows five works by Picasso in a group show.
September. Picasso and Eva go back to Paris.
15 November. Photos of Picasso constructions published by Apollinaire in “Les Soirées de Paris.”
December. Picasso visited in Paris by the Russian artist Vladimir Tatlin. He has seen Picasso in the collection of Serge Schuckin (1854-1936).
January. Picasso creates etchings for a book by Max Jacob, “The Siege of Jerusalem.”
March. Picasso continues to make relief constructions including “Still Life,” and “Glass of Absinth.”
He also creates about a hundred drawings during the Spring of 1914.
July to September. Picasso and Eva in Avignon.
2 August. World War I declared. Derain and Braque are drafted. Apollinaire seeks French citizenship to volunteer for the French army. Picasso see them off at the train station. The Paris gallery of Kahnweiler, a German citizen, is sequestered by the French government.
September. New York’s 291 Gallery has a Picasso/Braque exhibit.
Unknown date in October or early November. Picasso returns to Paris
7 January. Max Jacob tells Apollinaire he is posing for a Picasso portrait.
18 February. Max Jacob converts to Catholicism and is baptized.
March. Eva is ill. She may have had cancer or tuberculosis.
November. Eva admitted to the Auteuil hospital. It is rumored that Picasso starts seeing Gaby Lespinasse at this time.
December. Picasso writes to Gertrude Stein about Eva’s illness and the toll it is taking on his mental health.
Jean Cocteau and the composer Edgar Varése (1883-1965) visit Picasso’s Paris studio.
14 December. Eva dies.
17 March. Apollinaire wounded at the front. He returns to Paris, where Picasso makes drawings of him.
April. Jean Cocteau visits Picasso’s studio dressed as a harlequin.
1 May. Jean Cocteau’s portrait painted by Picasso.
Cocteau asks Picasso to work on the sets for a ballet “Parade,” which Cocteau is working on with director of the Ballets Russes Serge Diaghilev, choreographer Leonide Massine, and composer Erik Satie.
Unknown date in May. Diaghilev brought by Cocteau to Picasso’s studio.
June. Four etchings and one drawing by Picasso published in the Dada magazine “Caberet Voltaire.”
Unknown date in June or July. Picasso leaves his studio in Montparnasse to Montrouge (22, rue Victor Hugo) but still lives in Montparnasse. He takes long walks to Erik Satie who lives in Arcueil.
July. Picasso’s “Demoiselles d’Avignon” shown at Paris, Salon d’Antin.
24 August. Picasso formally consents to work on the sets for “Parade.”
End of December. Picasso said to be the model for a character in Apollinaire’s “La Poèse assassiné.”
15 January. Picasso goes to Barcelona to see his family.
February. Working on designs for the ballet “Parade.”
16 February. Cocteau comes to Paris and Picasso takes him to meet Gertrude Stein.
17 February. Jean Cocteau and Picasso travel together to Rome to meet with Diaghilev about “Parade.”
Picasso stays in Rome for eight weeks. He has a studio at Via Margutta.
In late February or early March, the entire ballet company goes to Paris.
18 May. “Parade” opens at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris.
June. Picasso infatuated with the ballerina Olga Khoklova (1891-1955) and travels to Madrid and then Barcelona to see her perform in “Parade.”
In late June, the “Parade” trope goes to Latin America, but Olga stays in Europe with Picasso.
12 July. Artists of Barcelona celebrate Picasso’s return at Galerias Layetanas.
Olga moves in with him in Montrouge and models for him, including in ‘Portrait of Olga in an Armchair.”
23 January to 15 February. Picasso and Matisse works shown at Galerie Paul Guillaume in Paris.
Unknown date in the Spring. Picasso and Olga move to Hotel Lutetia, Saint-Germain-des-Pré, Paris.
2 May. Apollinaire marries Jacqueline Kolb. Picasso is one of the witnesses at the wedding.
18 May. Picasso and Olga see Stravinsky’s “Renard” in Paris. Afterward they go to a dinner where they meet James Joyce and Marcel Proust.
12 July. Picasso and Olga are married at the Russian Orthodox Church in Paris. Apollinaire, Cocteau, Max Jacob are witnesses.
They honeymoon in Biarritz.
While in Biarritz, Picasso meets two art dealers: Georges Wildenstein and Paul Rosenberg.
Picasso sketches portraits of Rosenberg and Wildenstein as well as their wives.
August through September. Picasso writes to Apollinaire from. Biarritz.
End of September. Picasso and Olga return to Paris.
9 November. Apollinaire dies of the Spanish flu.
11 November. Armistice is signed to end World War I.
About 15 November. Picasso and Olga move to 23, rue Boëtie in Paris.
December. Picasso makes three drawings published in Jean Cocteau’s book “Le Coq et l’arlequin.”
February. Jean Cocteau publishes “Ode à Picasso.”
Unknown date, Spring. Joan Miró (Catalan painter, 1893-1983) visits Picasso in his Paris studio. Picasso buys a Miró painting.
15 May. Blaise Cendrars publishes a book on the end of Cubism: “Why is the ‘Cube’ Disintegrating?”
Unknown date May. Picasso goes to London. He is going to design another Ballets Russes production “Le Tricorne.”
He paints the drop curtain by himself and signs it “Picasso Pinxit 1919.”
22 July. “Le Tricorne” opens at London’s Alhambra Theater.
Unknown date in August. Picasso and Olga spend their summer vacation at Saint-Raphael.
20 October. Picassos exhibited at Paul Rosenberg’s gallery in Paris. Picasso also designs the cover for the exhibition catalogue and the exhibition invitation.
November. Picasso designs the frontispiece for Louis Aragon’s collection of poems.
December. Diaghilev asks Picasso to work with him on another ballet “Pucinella.”
Unknown date, Winter. Picasso exhibit at Paul Rosenberg Gallery, Paris.
Unknown date, Winter, Valori Plastici Gallery, Rome.
Unknown date February. Picasso invites Max Jacob to a performance of “Tricorne” in Paris. Jacob is hit by a car on the way there.
22 February. Now that World War I is over, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler comes back to Paris. He opens a new gallery at 29 bis, rue d’Astorg.
15 May. Opening of “Pulcinella” in Paris. Picasso has designed not only sets but also costumes.
Picasso makes portraits of the musical organizers of the ballet: Stravinsky, Saite, and Manuel de Falla.
Unknown date in May. Olga and Picasso travel to Juan-les-Pins.
Late September. Picasso and Olga return to Paris.
4 February. Olga gives birth to a son—Paulo. Gertrude Stein writes a birthday book for Paulo. Picasso makes a portrait of Olga and Paulo, as well as a self-portrait.
7 March. Picasso creates four lithographs, later published by Galerie Simon (Kahnweiler).
April. Maurice Raynal (1884-1954) publishes the first monograph on Picasso.
Unknown date April. Diaghilev asks Picasso to create décor for a program of Andalusian songs and dances. He had first asked Juan Gris, who was too ill to produce the designs. Then Diaghilev approached Picasso who said Gris would never be able to produce the designs on deadline. Gris is hurt and feels Picasso has stabbed him in the back.
22 May. Diaghilev “Cuadro Flamenco” performed only once in Paris. Picasso designed the sets and costumes.
30 May. Thirty Picassos sold at the French government’s auction of the collection of Willem Uhde.
13 to 14 June. French government sale of the sequestered gallery inventory of Kahnweiler. There are thirty-six Picassos sold, many sold back to Kahnweiler.
Unknown date, Summer. Picasso, Olga and Paulo rent a villa at Fontainebleau.
Unknown date, September. Picasso, Olga and Paulo return to Paris.
17 to 18 November. Second French government sale of Kahnweiler’s sequestered inventory. There are forty-six paintings by Picasso. His Cubist paintings sell for less than Picasso hoped they would.
January. Three Picasso etchings featured in” Cravates de Chanvre” by Pierre Reverdy.
Sometime in January or February. Louis Aragon and André Breton convince Jacques Doucet to buy Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon.”
June. Picasso, Olga and Paulo decamp for Dinard, Brittany. Picasso paints “Woman Running on the Beach,” and “Mother and Child,”
Unknown date in September. Olga is extremely sick and must have surgery. The family returns to Paris.
October. Galerie Thannhauser, Munich shows works by Picasso.
20 December. “Antigone” by Jean Cocteau opens in Paris. Picasso and Cocteau designed the scenery. Picasso’s designs produced at the last minute.
January. Drawings by Picasso shown at The Arts Club of Chicago.
19 May. Interview with Picasso in “The Arts” published. The interviewer is Marius de Zayas.
7 July At a Dada event in Paris, an audience member yells, “Picasso dead on the field of battle.” Andre Breton, attending the event, rises to the occasion and punches are thrown. The police are called to break up the event.
Summer. Olga, Paulo and Picasso go to Cap d’Antibes for the summer.
Picasso’s mother joins them.
Picasso becomes friendly with Gerald Murphy, millionaire, and painter.
September. The Picasso family returns to Paris.
17 November. “Recent work by Picasso” Paul Rosenberg Gallery, Paris.
Creates “Paulo on a Donkey.”
Winter. Picasso creates still-lifes and “Guitar,” a painted metal construction.
Unknown dates in April. Picasso exhibit at Paul Rosenberg Gallery, Paris.
18 June. Premier of ballet “Mercure,” a benefit for Russian refugees, for which Picasso designed costumes and sets.
Surrealists protest the event.
20 June. Premier of Diaghiliev’s “Le Train bleu,” for which a curtain was designed by Picasso.
Summer. The Picasso family rents another villa at Juan-les Pins.
December. Picasso’s construction “Guitar” illustrated in “La Révolution surréaliste”
15 January. Picasso’s sketches from Juan-les-Pins reproduced in “The Surrealist Revolution.”
March through April. The Picasso family goes to Monte Carlo for the Ballets Russes ballet season. Picasso sketches the dancers.
June. Olga and Picasso’s marriage starting to fray.
Picasso continues to make sketches of ballet dancers.
1 July. Composer and friend of Picasso, Erik Satie dies.
Summer. The family rents a villa at Juan-les-Pins.
14 November. Picassos as well as works by other artists shown at “La Peinture Surréaliste” in Paris.
January: Christian Zervos’s journal “Cahiers d’art” published. Picasso and Zervos become friends.
26 to 31 January. Wildenstein Galleries, New York. Six Picassos shown in a group exhibit.
22 February to 13 March. Feragil Galleries, New York, “Arthur B. Davies Collecton of French Art.” Fourteen Picassos shown.
Spring. Picasso works on collages.
October. Picasso travels to Barcelona.
January. Picasso meets Marie-Therese Walter, who at the time, was seventeen years old.
11 May. Juan Gris dies
July and August. The Picasso family in Cannes.
September. The family returns to Paris. Picasso paints “Seated Woman.”
16 October to 16 November. Galerie Alfred Flechtheim, Paris, retrospective exhibit of Picasso paintings, sculptures, and prints.
27 December to 28 February 1928. Galerie Pierre, Paris, Picasso solo exhibit.
27 December to January. Wildenstein Galleries, New York. “Drawings by Picasso.”
January. Beginning of the Minotaur series.
Unknown date, March. Sculptor Julio Gonzalez starts working with Picasso. Gonzalez met Picasso in Barcelona twenty years before. Gonzalez is now teaching him welding.
28 March. Pennsylvania Museum of Art, Inaugural Exhibition. Three works by Picasso shown.
14 May. Julio Gonzalez’s mother dies, and Picasso sends a condolence letter.
Summer. The Picasso family rents a villa in Brittany at Dinard.
Marie-Therese Walter also goes to Dinard for the summer.
Picasso sketches and paints Brittany seascapes.
October. “Picasso and the French Tradition” published by Wilhelm Uhde, art collector and critic (1874-1947). Uhde was married to the French artist Sonia Delaunay.
February. Picasso paints “Bust of a Woman with Self-Portrait.”
Continues to work on sculptures with Gonzalez.
Spring. “Projets de Picasso pour un monument,’ published by Zervos.
Summer. The Picasso family vacations in Dinard, Brittainy.
January to February. Picasso works in Gonzalez’s sculpture studio.
19 January to 2 March. Fourteen works by Picasso shown at the Museum of Modern Art’s “Painting in Paris” exhibit.
25 January to 21 February. Reinhardt Galleries, New York, Picasso Retrospective.
March. Galerie Goermans, Paris, exhibit of Picasso collages.
26 March. Arts Club of Chicago exhibits Picasso paintings.
Unknown date June. Picasso buys a château near Paris.
Summer. The Picasso family summers at Juan-les-Pins.
Unknown date, September. Picasso goes back to Paris.
He gets an apartment for Marie-Therese Walter nearby.
September. The publisher Albert Skira commissions Picasso for etchings. They will illustrate a version of Ovid’s “Metamorphosis.”
October through November. Picasso gouaches shown at John Becker Gallery in New York.
November. Reinhardt Gallery, New York. Picasso works in a group exhibition.
January. “Picasso Abstractions” exhibit at Valentine Gallery, New York.
April. Alex Reid & Lefevre, London, exhibit “Thirty Years of Picasso.”
May. Renovates his new chateau and makes the stable into a sculpture studio.
17 May to 6 October. Museum of Modern Art, New York, Lillie Bliss Collection exhibition with several Picassos.
Summer. The Picasso family decamps for Juan-les-Pins.
December. Picasso exhibit at Paul Rosenberg’s Paris gallery.
5 to 27 January. Harvard Society for Contemporary Art exhibits Picasso’s illustrations for Ovid’s “Metamorphosis.”
Winter. Picasso paints portraits of sleeping women.
15 February to 12 March. Brooklyn Museum, “Modern Catalan Painting.”
16 June to 30 July. Galeries Georges Petit holds Picasso retrospective.
Special edition of “Cahiers d’Art” published by Zervos for the occasion.
Summer. Olga and Paulo spend the summer at Juan-les-Pins. It is believed that Picasso did not come down Côte d’Azur but rather stayed at his villa near Paris, where he continues to work on sculptures.
October. First volume of the Zervos catalogue raisonné published.
23 October to 6 November. “Special Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, and Winter Colors,” Chester H. Johnson, Chicago. Eight works by Picasso displayed.
14 November to 5 December. Pierre Matisse Gallery, New York. “Paintings by Braque, Matisse, Picasso, Rouault, Rousseau.”
26 November to 30 December. Etchings by Picasso exhibited at Julien Levy Gallery in New York.
December. Demotte, Inc. organized a traveling Picasso exhibition at the Arts Club of Chicago, Washington, DC, and New York.
Spring. Picasso produces a large number of etchings.
1 June. “Minotaire” premier issue of magazine. It has photos of Picasso in his new studio outside Paris.
Summer. The entire Picasso family goes to Cannes for the summer.
They also travel to Barcelona, where Picasso visits old friends.
Unknown date, September. The family returns to Paris.
“Picasso et ses amis,” published by Fernande Olivier. Before this, Picasso attempts to block it being published.
Picasso’s etching “Three Graces” published in a book by Tristan Tazara (1896-1963)“L’Anitête”
Unknown date, Fall. Catalogue raisonné of Picasso etchings published by Bernhard Geiser.
6 February to 1 March. Wadsworth Athenaeum exhibit “Pablo Picasso.”
March. Creates many works using Marie-Therese Walter as his model.
Summer. Picasso creates works with a bullfight theme.
Unknown date in August. Olga, Paulo, and Picasso go to Barcelona and travel throughout Catalonia for bullfights.
6 September. The Picasso family visits Museum of Catalan Art in Barcelona.
About 15 September. The Picasso family returns to Paris.
Autumn. Picasso preoccupied with the theme of the Blind Minotaur.
End of year. Drawings and etchings by Picasso reproduced in a new translation of “Lysistrata” published in New York.
February. Picasso finishes an oil painting “Interior with a Girl Drawing,” and then stops painting for about a year.
20 February to 20 March. Galerie Pierre, Paris exhibit “Papier collés.”
March to April. Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Paris, exhibit, “The creators of Cubism.”
Unknown date, Spring. Picasso creates the etching of “Minotauromacy.”
June. Marie-Therese Walter is pregnant.
Picasso decides against divorcing Olga because of the unfavorable division of under French divorce law.
Olga and Paulo move out of the shared family home in Paris to Hôtel California.
Summer. Picasso stays in Paris for the summer.
13 July. Picasso asks Jaime Sabartés to move back to France and manage his business activities.
5 October. Marie-Therese Walter gives birth to a daughter named Maria de la Concepcion. The daughter is named after Picasso’s sister who died in childhood. On her birth certificate the father is listed as unknown, with Picasso listed as the godfather. (The child is called Maïa by her family.)
12 November. Jaime Sabartés comes back to France to help Picasso.
8 January. Picasso sketches a portrait of the poet Paul Éluard.
18 February. Picasso retrospective at Sala Esteva in Barcleona.
2 March to 19 April. New York, Museum of Modern Art exhibit “Cubism and Abstract Art.”
3 March. Picasso exhibit at Galerie Paul Rosenberg in Paris.
April. Picasso living in Juan-les Pins, where he works on watercolors, gouaches, drawings.
Unknown date May, Picasso returns to Paris. He works at Lacourière’s studio on lithographs.
3 June. Picasso makes an etching of Paul Éluard for the publication of his poem “Grand Air.”
July. Picasso designs a drop curtain for Rolland’s play “14 Juillet.”
18 July. Spanish Civil War starts.
August. Picasso follows Paul Éluard’s suggestion he stay in Mougins in the South of France. Christian Zervos and his wife are staying nearby.
Picasso meets Dora Maar (1907-1997) who is staying in Saint Tropez for the summer.
Picasso and Dora Maar visit the Vallauris ceramics colony.
September. Picasso leaves his studio at the mansion near Paris. He works at Vollard’s house at Le Tremblay-sur-Maldre. He finds a place nearby for Marie-Therese Walter and their daughter Maïa.
Picasso paints an oil on canvas portrait of Dora Maar.
Along with Dora Maar, he starts making Man Ray-like photo shadow prints.
Winter. Picasso makes etchings for Paul Éluard’s “Le Barree d’appui.”’
Winter. Picasso creates “Dream and Lie of Franco” a series of etchings.
The Republican government of Spain asks Picasso to create a mural for the Spanish Pavilion at the World’s Fair to open in Paris in June.
12 to 24 April. “Drawings, Gouaches and Pastels by Picasso,” Valentine Gallery, New York.
26 April. Guernica in the Basque region bombed by German planes.
May. Picasso begins to work on Guernica.
June. Petit Palais, Paris. “Masters of Independent Art.” Thirty-two Picasso exhibited.
Unknown date in mid-June: Picasso’s “Guernica” displayed at the World’s Fair in Paris.
12 July. Spanish pavilion of International Exposition opens. Picasso has sculptures exhibited.
Summer. Dora Maar and Picasso go to Mougins. They stay at the Hôtel Vaste Horizon. The Éluards are also there.
September. Picasso and Dora Maar return to Paris.
October. Visits Paul Klee in Switzerland.
November. Valentine Gallery, New York, “Picasso from 1901 to 1937.”
“Fifty Drawings by Pablo Picasso,” Zwemmer Gallery, London.
1 to 20 November. “Twenty Years in the Evolution of Picasso,” Jacques Seligmann & Co., New York.
19 December. Picasso’s defense of the Spanish Republic published in “The New York Times.”
22 January. Portrait of Maïa (with her dog).
March. Picasso creates a a large collage “Women at their Toilette.”
24 May. Picasso paints a portrait of Dora Maar posing as “Seated Woman.”
Summer. Dora Maar and Picasso go to Mougins and stay at the Hôtel Vaste Horizon. The Eluards are also there.
September. Picasso and Dora Maar go back to Paris.
October. Picasso goes to Vézelay to visit Mr. and Mrs. Christian Zervos.
4 to 29 October. New Burlington Galleries, London, “Guernica” and other works by Picasso.
19 October to 11 November. Museum of Modern Art, New York, “Picasso and Matisse.
7 to 26 November. Valentine Gallery, New York, “Twenty Paintings by Picasso, 1908 to 1934.”
Winter. Picasso has sciatica and is bed bound. Makes portraits of Jaime Sábartes in guise of a Golden Age aristocrat.
13 January. Picasso’s mother dies.
17 January. “Recent works by Picasso,” Paul Rosenberg Gallery, Paris; some also exhibited at Paul Rosenberg’s London gallery.
21 January. Paints portraits of Marie-Therese Walter and Dora Maar on the same day.
30 January to 18 February. Marie Harriman Gallery, New York exhibits works by Picasso.
27 March to 29 April. Perls Galleries, New York, “Picasso before 1910.”
5 to 29 May. Valentine Gallery, York, exhibition of Picasso’s “Guernica” as well as preparatory sketches and other works.
May to June. London Gallery, “Picasso in English Collections.”
July. Dora Maar and Picasso go to Antibes. Man Ray rents them an apartment.
22 July. Ambroise Vollard, art dealer and friend of Picasso, dies.
Picasso attends the funeral in Paris.
28 July. Jaime Sabartés travels back to Antibes with Picasso from Paris.
They stop in Frejus for the bullfight on the road to Antibes.
25 August. Dora Maar, Picasso and Jaime Sabartes travel back to Paris. They take the train. The car is driven back by a chauffeur who brings the works Picasso has created back to Paris.
1 September. Picasso and Dora Maar go to Royan, near Bordeaux. They are joined by Sarbartés, Mrs. Sabartés, and the Sarbartés’ dog.
7 September. Picasso, still a Spanish citizen, goes back to Paris to get the proper paperwork from the government for his stay in Royan.
October. Picasso goes to Paris to buy art supplies.
While there he is photographed by Brassaï, who is working for “Life” magazine.
22 October. Picasso returns to Royan.
15 November to 7 January 1940. Museum of Modern Art, “Picasso: Forty Years of His Art.”
5 December. Picasso goes back to Paris.
21 December. Picasso is driven back to Royan by his chauffeur.
Winter. Picasso rents a studio in Royan.
5 to 9 February. Picasso in Paris.
End of February. Picasso returns to Royan.
About 15 March. Picasso goes to Paris. Stays in Paris for about three months.
19 April. M.A.I. Gallery (Yvonne Zervos) Gouaches and watercolors by Picasso.
Mid-May. Picasso meets Matisse on the street in Paris and has a conversation with him about the impending invasion of Paris.
16 May. Dora Maar and Picasso return to Royan.
14 June. Invasion of Paris by German forces.
23 June. German forces invade Royan.
25 August. Picasso and Sabartés have their drive take them back to Paris.
Dora Maar comes to Paris by train. Marie-Therese Walter and her daughter Maïa stay in Royan.
Unknown date, Fall. Picasso leaves his home at La Boëie. He lives at his studio at Grands-Augustins instead.
Paul Rosenberg, Picasso’s dealer, flees to the United States. His collection is looted by the Germans.
German troops damage Picasso plasters at his Boiseloup studio.
Winter. A book of poetry, “Ajat” published with Picasso etchings.
Mid-January. Picasso writes “Desire Caught by the Tail.”
Experiments with automatic writing.
Spring. His daughter Maia and Marie-Therese Walter go back to Paris. Picasso vists them each weekend.
Winter. Picasso cannot go to his villa at Boisgeloup so he makes one of the bathrooms at Grands-Augustins into a sculpture studio.
He continues to have bronzes cast despite wartime strictures on the use of metal.
27 March. Picasso’s friend and sculpture teacher Julio Gonzalez dies and Picasso goes to the funeral.
6 June. Picasso criticized by French artist Maurice de Vlaminck writing in “Comoedia.”
André Lhote has a rebuttal published in the same periodical a week later.
July to August. Paul Éluard started working the French resistance and officially joins the Communist Party.
2 to 28 November. Valentine Gallery, New York. “Picasso & Miró.”
January. Picasso presents Dora Maar with an inscribed and decorated copy of “Histoire naturelle” by Buffon.
Winter. Picasso creates found-object collages.
May. Picasso meetings Françoise Gilot, an artist. The two visit each other’s studios in Paris.
Picasso resumes oil painting at about this time.
14 May to August. Philadelphia Museum of Art,” The Gallatin Collection.” Eighteen works by Picasso shown.
Paints two oils with the daughter of his housekeeper as the sitter: “Child with Pigeons,” and “First Steps.”
November. Françoise Gilot starts modeling for Picasso.
20 February to 20 March. Phillips Memorial Art Gallery, Washington, DC. “Picasso Still-Life Masterpieces.”
22 February. Picasso’s friend Robert Desnos (French surrealist poet) is arrested by the Germans.
28 February. Max Jacob (poet and painter) Picasso’s friend arrested. He is sent to the Drancy concentration camp where he dies on 5 March.
19 March. Gallery owners Michel and Louise Leiris sponsor a reading of “Le Desir attrape par le queue,” by Picasso, Among the particupants are Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and Albert Camus.
10 to 29 April. Valentine Gallery, New York. “Modern Paintings.” Thirteen paintings by Picasso exhibited.
Summer. Picasso stays in Paris.
August. Picasso moves closer to Marie-Therese Walter in boulevard Henri-VI. Fighting in the streets between the Nazis and French resistance intensify.
25 August. Paris liberated by the Allies. Picasso goes back to his studio at rue des Grands-Augustins.
September. Picasso sees Paul Éuard and others who have been involved in the French Resistance.
5 October. Picasso officially joins the Communist Party.
6 October. First Salon d’Autuomne in which Picasso exhibits.
Some demonstrate against Picasso at the exhibition’s opening.’
24 October. “New Masses” New York, interviews Picasso on why her joined the Communist Party.
6 November to 2 December. Paul Rosenberg Gallery, New York. “Exhibition of Paintings by Braque, Matisse, Picasso.”
January: “About Pablo Picasso” published by Paul Éluard. It includes reproductions of artwork by Picasso.
Picasso completes “The Charnel House” a pro-peace painting.
February: Christian Zervos, author of the Picasso catalogue raisonné and a close associate of Picasso, takes photos of many works including “The Charnel House” in Picasso’s studio.
27 February to 17 March. Picasso paintings and drawings at Buchholz Gallery, New York.
April to May: Picasso continues to work on still-life, which are photographed by Zervos.
May. Picasso, at his Grands-Augustins studio, visited by Brassai, Paul Éluard, and Andre Malraux, who show him a cache of German occupation photos of Paris.
23 May. Picasso paints a portrait of Communist Party leader Maurice Thorez.
June. Communist Party of France at its annual meeting recognizes Picasso for his achievements.
15 June. “Le Rendez-vous” a ballet, makes its premier in Paris.The sets were designed by Picasso.
20 June to 18 July. Galerie Louis Carré, Paris, “Twenty-One Paintings” exhibit of works by Picasso.
July. Picasso leaves Paris for Cap d’Antibes. He is accompanied by Dora Maar. Françoise Gilot goes to Brittany for the summer.
He visits a village (Menerbes) in the Vaucluse with Maar and buys a house there. He gives Maar the title to the house.
August. Picasso leaves the South of France for Paris.
28 September to 29 October. Salon d’Automne, Paris, Picasso exhibits “Still Life with Skull, Lock and Pottery” along with other works.
2 November. Starts using the Fernand Mourlot’s studio to make lithographs. The first is a Françoise Gilot’s portrait.
26 November. Françoise Gilot visits Picasso for the first time since the summer.
December. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, exhibit of works by Matisse and Picasso.
Picasso starts “Monument aux Espanols” an oil painting.
5 December to 17 January 1946. Picasso creates eleven states of a lithograph of a bull.
15 February to 15 March. “Art et Résistance” exhibit in Paris. Picasso has three works in the show.
15 March. Françoise Gilot breaks her elbow, recuperates at the Midii homes of the printer Louis Fort. Picasso goes there to stay with her. They both pay a visit to Henri Matisse, who lives nearby.
April. Françoise Gilot and Pablo Picasso begin living together in Paris.
5 May. Picasso paints Gilot’s portrait entitled “Woman-Flower.”
14 June. Picasso works on lithographs with Mourlot. Ten are portraits of Gilot.
14 June to 14 July. Galerie Louis Carre, Paris, exhibit “Dix-neufs Peintures” all by Picasso.
July. Françoise Gilot and Picasso go to Ménerbes from Paris. Picasso continues to receive communications from Marie-Therese Walters. Francoise expresses a desire to leave.
Late July. Francoise Gilot and Picasso move to Cap d’Antibues where they stay with his collector Marie Cutolli.
“Picasso: Fifty Years of his Art,” published in New York by the Museum of Modern Art.
27 July. Death of Gertrude Stein at the American Hospital at Neuilly-sur-Seine. Picasso had not spoken with her for many years. Stein leaves the bulk of her estate, including her collection of Picassos, to her companion Alice B. Toklas. Toklas, under the terms of Stein’s will, had the right to sell whatever she wanted to, ‘insofar as it may become necessary for her proper maintenance and support.”
August. Picasso and Françoise Gilot move to Louis Fort’s home at Golfe-Juan, France.
Francoise is now pregnant.
At Golfe-Juan, Picasso meets the curator of a local museum, Romauld Dor de la Souchére. Picasso is offered studio space at the museum. But after Picasso tours the museum, he paints twenty-two panels to adorn the museum.
The French government re-names the museum the Musée Picasso.
Late August. Paul Eluard and his wife stay with Picasso and Francoise Gilot in Golfe-Juan. Andre Bréton also visits with them. Because of Picasso’s affiliation with the Communist Party, Breton never sees Picasso after this.
November. Françoise Gilot and Picasso go back to Paris.
28 November Paul Éluard’s wife, Nusch, dies. Both Dora Maar and Picasso go to Paris and visit Éluard.
Late November. “Picasso: Portraits et souvenirs” by Jaime Sabartés published in Paris.
January. Because of the many owls he sees on his walks in the South of France, Picasso embarks on a series of lithographs and paintings of owls.
30 March. Picasso creates lithographs of “David and Bathsheba after Cranach the Elder.”
May. Picasso gives ten paintings to the Musée National d’art Modern, Paris. This is the largest group of Picasso paintings in a French public museum.
15 May. Picasso’s son Claude is born to Françoise Gilot in Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris. He was named after Claude Gilot, an XVIIIth French artist.
June. Pablo Picasso, Françoise and Claude go to Golfe-Juan.
August. Picasso creates ceramics at Madoura pottery studio in Vallauris.
“Guernica: Pablo Picasso”, by Juan Larerra, published in New York.
December: “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles opens in Paris. The sets are by Pablo Picasso.
Picasso goes to Paris for a few weeks, but then returns to the Midi.
Throughout the year, Viste a Picasso filmed at Vallauris and in Antibes at the Musée Picasso.
March: Picasso finishes lithographs for “Le Chants des Morts” by Pierre Reverdy.
At about the same time, also completes etchings for “Vingt Poems” by Gongora.
July. Picasso moves to a. mansion, La Galloise, near Vallaruis with Françoise Gilot.
25 August. Picasso travels to Poland for two weeks. He first goes to Wroclaw, Poland for the Congress of Intellectuals, where Picasso makes a speech defending Pablo Neruda against political persecution in Chile.
Picasso visits Warsaw, Krakow and Auschwitz.
2 September. The president of Poland gives Picasso an award.
Early October. Picasso visits Paris
November, Maison de la Pensé Française exhibit of ceramics by Picasso.
9 November. Finishes “The Kitchen,” an oil on canvas painting.
Late Winter; Prints “Woman in an Armchair” series. Françoise Gilot, who poses for the prints, wears a coat Picasso bought her in Poland.
January, “Les Sculptures de Picasso” published in Paris.
February, Picasso designs poster publicizing Peace Congress in Paris. It has a lithograph of a dove, which is popularly known as the Dove of Peace.
February. Picasso creates thirty-eight etchings for “Carmen “by Méeimee.
8 March to 2 April. “Pablo Picasso: Recent Work,” exhibit at New York’s Buchholz Gallery.
19 April. Françoise gives birth to a daughter, whom they name Paloma.
Uses automatic writing on lithographs.
May; Picasso and Françoise move back to Vallauris. Picasso uses a former perfume factory for his studio and also for storage of artwork.
Completes the sculpture “Pregnant Woman.”
July, Maison de la Pensée Française”, Paris, “Recent works by Pablo Picasso, exhibit.
September. Picasso focuses on sculpture almost exclusively.
January. Picasso creates another version of the sculpture “Pregnant Woman.”
20 January, Picasso paints an oil: “Claude and Paloma.”
February. Picasso paints newer versions of previous oil paintings: “Portrait of a Painter after el Greco” and “Women on the Banks of the Seine, after Courbet.”
27 February to 25 March. Perls Galleries, New York. “Modern French Paintings.”
Thirty paintings by Picasso shown.
March. Starts making assemblages from found objects. Also works in ceramics.
6 August. Picasso’s sculpture “Man and Sheep,” installed in central Vallauris.
October. Picasso travels to the Second World Peace Conference in Sheffield, England. The poster for this conference uses Picasso’s “Dove of Peace.”
November. Picasso awarded the Lenin Peace Prize.
22 December. Picasso completes the oil painting “Winter Landscape.”
November to January 1951. Exhibit “Picasso, Sculptures, Dessins,” at Maison de la Pensée Française, Paris.
18 January. Still in Vallauris, Picasso completes “Massacre in Korea, an oil painting.
February. Picasso goes back to Paris.
May. Picasso’s “Massacre in Korea” exhibited at the Salon de Mai in Paris.
14 June. Françoise and Picasso go to the wedding of Paul Éluard in Saint-Tropez. Éluard was a poet and one of the founders of Surrealism.
25 June. Picasso visits the artist Henri Matisse, who is ill, but does not go to the opening of the Matisse Chapel in Vence.
July. Formally evicted from apartment on rue La Boëtie. Jaime Sabartés in charge of moving Picasso and his artwork to new digs on rue Gay-Lussac.
August. Picasso goes back to Vallauris for the rest of the summer. Creates sculptures from found objects, including some of his son Claude’s toys.
September. Received eviction notice for the new Paris apartment on rue Gay-Lusac because he has left it empty since renting it.
Winter. Françoise and Picasso return to Paris from Vallauris.
19 February to 15 March. Picasso paintings, sculptures and drawings exhibit at Curt Valentin Gallery, New York
April. Picasso starts making designs to convert a deconsecrated church into a temple of peace. This is his reaction to the Korean War.
16 April. Finishes the painting “Goat Skull, Bottle and Candle.” Picasso is in Paris.
July. Picasso returns to Vallauris. He paints a portrait of Hélène Parmelin.
Creates more sculpture over the summer.
October. Picasso leaves Françoise in Vallauris and returns to Paris alone.
18 November. Paul Éluard, Picasso’s friend, dies. Picasso goes to the funeral without Françoise.
25 November. Picasso’s lithographic series on Balzac published in a new edition of Balzac.
December. Picasso goes back to Vallauris from Paris. He writes a play “Quartre Petites Filles.”
28 December. Paints “Paloma Asleep.”
December to January 1953. Picasso creates lithographs of Françoise, Claude and Paloma.
In about mid-January. Picasso returns from the South of France alone to Paris.
30 January to 9 April. “Le Cubisme, 1907-1914” exhibit in Paris at the Musée National d’Art Moderne.
About mid-February. Picasso leaves Paris for Vallauris.
5 March. Stalin dies and Picasso prepares a sketch of him for the cover of a magazine.
May – July. Rome’s Galerie Nazaionale d’Arte Moderna holds a Picasso retrospective. Jean Cocteau gives a lecture on his friendship with Picasso at the retrospective in Rome.
June. Musée de Lyon holds an exhibit of early and recent Picasso.
August. Picasso stays in Paris; Françoise goes to Vallauris with Claude and Paloma.
About mid-August. Picasso goes to Perpignan with his daughter Maïa for the bullfight.
In later August, Picasso returns to Paris then goes back to Perpignan with Maïa, his son Paulo and his nephew.
While in Perpignan, he meets Jacqueline Roque.
5 September. The Communist Party of Céret holds a party to honor Picasso, which he attends along with his son Paulo.
About mid-September. Picasso returns to Vallauris.
End of September. Françoise leaves Picasso and takes his children Paloma and Claude.
13 December to 20 February 1954. Museu de Arte Moderna, São Paulo, Brazil, holds a Picasso retrospective, including “Guernica.”
Winter. Jaime Sabartés gives his collection of works by Picasso and books on Picasso to the Museo de Malaga, Spain.
January: Picasso starts his series “Painter and Model.”
April: One of his models is Sylvette David, who is nineteen years old. Picasso makes about forty sketches and oil-on-canvas paintings of her. Later, David became an artist in her own right.
Beginning of June: Starts using Jacqueline Roque as a model.
July. “Picasso: Deux Periodes, 1900-1914,” exhibition in Paris at the Maison de la Pensee Francaise. Works from the collection of the late Gertrude Stein are shown as well as never-before-seen pieces from Picasso’s personal collection.
Late July: Picasso goes to the Vallauris bullfight along with Jean Cocteau, Roland Penrose, and others.
8 September. Painter André Derain dies in an automobile accident. He was a friend of Picasso and Matisse. Derain was born in 1880.
Late September. Jacqueline Roque starts to live with Pablo Picasso at his Grands-Augustin studio in Paris.
11 October. Picasso finishes “Jacqueline with Black Scarf”, an oil painting.
3 November. Henri Matisse, artist, close associate and rival of Picasso, dies.
Mid-December. Picasso embarks on a series of fifteen paintings based on Delacroix, “Women of Algiers.”
11 February. Olga, Picasso’s first wife, dies in Cannes, France.
May. Picasso lives with Jacqueline in Rousillon (Provence).
May to June. London, Marlborough Fine Art, Ltd., “Picasso: Sixty-three Drawings, 1953-54; Ten Bronzes, 1945-1953.”
June to October. “Picasso: Peintures 190 to 1955,” Musé des Arts Decoratifs, Paris.
July to August. In Nice, France, “Le Mystée Picasso” filmed by Henri-Georges Clouzot.
August. Picasso buys a mansion near Cannes called La Californie. Entertains Kahnweiler, Louise Leiris, and many others.
4 October. Paints oil on canvas portrait of Jacqueline Roque after a Manet painting of Lola de Valence.
10 November. Barcelona friends Juan Vidal Ventosa, Miquel and Juan Gaspar, and Sabartés visit Picasso at La Californie.
20 November. Completes portrait of Jacqueline Roque “Jacqueline in a Turkish Vest.”
January. Picasso completes “Two Women on the Beat.”
April. Paints a picture of the interior of La Californie, “The Studio.”
16 April to 19 May. Galerie Chalette, New York. “Picasso: The Woman.”
25 October. Birthday exhibit of Picasso in Moscow curated by Ilya Ehrenberg.
Madoura Pottery throws a seventy-fifth birthday party for Picasso.
22 November. Signs letter to “Le Monde” protesting Soviet invasion of Hungary. Letter also signed by eight other prominent French artists and writes.
22 January to 23 February. World House Gallery, New York. “The Struggle for a New Form.” Six works by Picasso shown.
March through April, Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, exhibit of recent paintings by Picasso.
4 May to 8 September. Museum of Modern Art, New York, “Picasso: 75th Anniversary Exhibition.”
6 July to 2 September. Musée Réttu, Arles exhibit of gouaches, watercolors, drawings by Picasso.
17 August to 30 December. Moves his studio to the top floor of La Californie.
Late August. Picasso is commissioned by UNESCO to create designs for murals for its Paris headquarters.
15 December. Picasso starts working seriously on sketches for the UNESCO/Paris murals.
29 January: Finishes the final sketch for UNESCO murals.
8 March to 8 June: Paris, Maison de la Pensée Française; exhibit of one hundred fifty Picasso ceramics.
29 March; Picasso makes the formal presentation of the UNESCO murals at a schoolyard in Vallauris, France.
19 April to 9 June: Paints “Boy of Cannes,” and other works with a view from Picasso’s La Californie home.
September: Buys Château de Vauvenrgues, which was built in the XIVth century. It is near Aix-en-Provence.
January; paints “Seated Woman.”
Aquatints and etchings by Picasso included in “La Tauromaquia” published in Barcelona.
8 January; Close associate of Picasso’s, Andre Malraux (1901-1978) appointed by President de Gaulle as French Minister for Cultural Affairs.
February; moves to Vauvenargues.
10 to 30 April: Paints twenty-one oil paintings at Vauvenargues.
22 May to 27 June: Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, exhibition “Les Menines, 1957.”
5 June. Picasso’s “Head of Dora Maar” (sculpture) unveiled at dedication of monument to Apollinaire, in Paris at Saint-Germain-des-Prés.
Summer: Picasso returns to the property at La Californie.
Late August: Returns to Vauvenargues. Produces numerous sketches and paintings after Manet’s Luncheon of the Boating Party.
Early September: Picasso starts making linocuts.
February: Picasso paints a series of nudes.
12 April: Finishes “Bather with San Shovel.” Living at Vauvenargues.
15 June to 13 July. Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, exhibition of Picasso linocuts.
6 July to 18 September; Tate Gallery, London/Arts Council of Britain; Picasso Retrospective.
27 July. Museu Picasso, Barcelona officially chartered under Spanish law. Jaime Sabartés organizes this effort.
20 August. Picasso finishes “Luncheon on the Grass, after Manet”
15 October. Picasso embarks on a project to create murals for the Barcelona College of Architects.
November. Meets with Lionel Prejger who encourages Picasso to take up large-scale metal sculpture.
December. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona, Picasso exhibit of thirty oil-on-canvas paintings.
Throughout the year creates sculptures collaboratively with Carl Nesjar for the estate of art dealer Daniel-Henri Kahnweiler.
2 March; Vallauris, Marries Jacqueline Roque.
Early June: Picasso makes a series of sketches of his home called La Californie
Mid to Late June: Moves into a new home near Mougins—Notre-Dame-de-Vie.
25 October. Celebrations of Picasso’s eightieth birthday in Vallaruis.
25 October to 12 November: “Bonne Fête Monsieur Picasso,” exhibit at Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Over the course of 1962, Picasso creates about a hundred linocuts. He also sculpts female heads.
April. Picasso’s murals for the Barcelona College of Architects are unveiled.
January: Paints portrait of Jacqueline; “Woman with Yellow and Green Hat.”
26 January to 24 February: Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, exhibit of recent paintings by Picasso.
25 April to 12 May. “Tribute to Picasso,” held in several New York galleries: Paul Rosenberg & Co., Staempfli, Cordier-Warren, New Gallery, Otto Gerson Gallery, M. Knoedler & Co., Saidenberg. Catalogue written by Picasso’s biographer John Richardson.
1 May. On May Day, Picasso is awarded by Lenin Prize for Peace.
14 May to 18 September: Museum of Modern Art, New York exhibit “Picasso’s Eightieth Birthday Exhibition.”
August: Picasso asked to design décor for “The Fall of Icarus,” a ballet.
28 August: Picasso completes the gouache designs for “The Fall of Icarus.”
9 March; Museu Picasso, 15-23, calle Montcada, Barcelona opens to the public.
31 August. Death of Georges Braque (born 1882) friend of Picasso and co-founder of Cubism.
October. Picasso works with Piero and Aldo Crommelynck to create engravings at their Mougins studio.
11 October. Death of Jean Cocteau, associate of Picasso. He was an artist, playwright, and poet who was born 1889.
November. William Hartmann, Chicago architect, visits Picasso to discuss the possibility of Picasso creating a monumental sculpture for the newly constructed Civic Center of Chicago. Picasso had never created such a large sculpture previously. Hartmann brings Picasso a number of Chicago-related presents: a Native American headdress, a White sox jersey, a book of Chicago photos.
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, “Picasso Retrospective.”
January. Picasso completes model for sculpture to appear in a public square in Chicago.
11 January to 16 February: “Picasso and Man” exhibit at Art Gallery of Toronto; curated and catalogue by Jean Sutherland Boggs.
15 January to 15 February, Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, “Peintures 1962-63.”
April, “Life with Picasso” published by Françoise Gilot, ex-partner of Pablo Picasso. The book is initially published in the United States. Picasso unsuccessfully attempts to thwart publication in France. Picasso’s children Paloma and Claude side with their mother Françoise against Picasso on her version of their history.
January. Picasso living at Mas Notre-Dame-de Vie in Mougins.
24 January to 7 March. “Years of Ferment and the Birth of Twentieth Century Art,” University of California, Los Angeles. Includes several works by Picasso.
April. Picasso completes the prototype for the monumental sculpture to be a permanent fixture of the public space in front of the Chicago Civic Center. Mayor Richard Daley sends an emissary with a check for $100,000. Picasso refuses it stating it was his gift to the people of Chicago.
22 June to 15 September; “Picasso et let théâtre,” Musée des Augustins, Toulouse, France.
The exhibit includes two ballets with special sets created by Picasso for “Le Tricorne” “Parade, L’Apres-midi d’un faune”
15 July to 18 August, Sala Gaspar, Barcelona, exhibit of Picasso engravings.
October. “Picasso, Fourteen Paintings,” Samuel Kootz Gallery, New York.
November: Picasso has surgery for an ulcer at the American Hospital in Neuilly. This is Picasso’s final trip to Paris.
January to May. “Picasso Retrospective,” Museum of Tel Aviv.
Galerie Beyeler, Basel, “Picasso, 1966-1970.”
11 February to 27 March. “The School of Paris,” The Art Institute of Chicago, includes several works by Picasso.
September. Death of André Breton (born in 1896) Surrealist poet and close associate of Pablo Picasso.
November: Grand Palais, Paris “Hommage a Pablo Picasso,” with seven hundred works of art. Picasso does not come to the exhibit.
Pablo Picasso is awarded the French Legion of Honor, which he refuses.
20 January; Various performances to honor Picasso in Barcelona.
Spring: Officially evicted from his Paris studio at rue des Grands-Augustins, which he has not occupied for twelve years.
9 June to 13 August; Tate Gallery, London, exhibit of Picasso sculpture and ceramics; curated by Sir Robin Penrose.
Chicago Civic Center commission “Head of Woman” completed by Picasso. It is 60 feet high.
13 February, Jaime Sabartés, Picasso’s long-time friend from Barcelona dies. To honor Sabaraés’ memory, Picasso donates the “Las Meninas” series to the Museu Picasso, Barcelona.
23 February to 23 March: Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, exhibit of recent Picasso drawings.
16 March to 5 October: Picasso created 347 engravings at Mougins, which are printed by Piero and Aldo Crommelynck.
14 November; Picasso finishes “Still Life with Umbrella,” oil on canvas, 97 x 146 cm.
18 December to 1 February 1969: Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, exhibition of Picasso engravings.
4 March; finished oil portrait of Jacqueline Roque.
April: “Celestina” engravings published by a Barcelona publisher in “El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz.”
At the beginning of 1970, the Museu Picasso in Barcelona became the exclusive beneficiary of Picasso’s family in Spain
1 May to 1 October: Avignon, Palais des Papes exhibition of recent work by Pablo Picasso.
12 May: Picasso’s former residence in Paris, Bateau-Lavoir is obliterated by fire.
12 September: Picasso’s friend and author of the Picasso catalogue raisonné, Christian Zervos has a heart attack and dies.
15 October to 19 November: New York’s Museum of Modern Art exhibition: “Picasso: Master Printmaker.”
16 December to 21 February: “The Cubist Epoch,” exhibition at Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Late 1970: A group of American investors including the Rockefellers, John Hay Whitney and William S. Paley buy the art collection of Gertrude Stein, which included thirty-eight works by Pablo Picasso.
23 May to 5 July; Picasso Retrospective; Tokyo, Museum of Modern Art.
Summer; Brassaï publishes “Conversations avec Picasso.”
January: Picasso donates his first constructed metal sculpture, Guitar (1912) to the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
23 April to 5 June: Paris, Galerie Louis Leiris, exhibition of recent drawings by Pablo Picasso.
25 October, Exhibition of Picassos at the Louvre, Paris, to honor Picasso on his ninetieth birthday.
October through November. Institute of Contemporary Art, London, “Picassos in London.”
Galerie de la Colombe, Paris, “Hommage á Picasso,” exhibit of lithographs.
January. “La Celestina” by Fernando de Rojas published. Picasso has 66 etchings in the book.
23 January to 2 April: “Picasso in the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art,” New York. Focuses on prints and drawings.
18 May. Photographed by Brassaï.
1 December to 3 January 1973: Galerie Louis Leiris, Paris, Recent drawings by Picasso exhibition.
Entire year: Picasso lives at Mougins and produces sketches and prints.
24 January to 24 February, Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, Exhibition of recent engravings by Picasso.
Gimpel Fils, London, ‘Master Sculptors of the Twentieth Century,” several Picassos exhibited.
8 April: Picasso dies at Mougins
10 April: Picasso buried at Chateau de Vauvenargues, which he had bought in 1958 allegedly for its view of Mont Sainte Victoire. he mountains was painted by Cézanne.
Pablo Picasso did not leave a will. The estate’s tax duty was paid to France in the form of artwork. These form the foundation of the Musée Picasso in Paris.